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API definition
The SafeSky API is accessible via a standard REST API, enabling seamless integration with your ap...
Model Definition
1. UAV Model The UAV model represents the structure and attributes of an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle ...
Testing with Postman
Importing the Postman Collection To get started with testing the SafeSky UAV API, follow these st...
SafeSky is a non-certified eConspicuity platform that collects and shares information provided by...
What are best practices for integrating with the SafeSky API? Option 1: Batch Posting with Traff...
Getting started
This guide shows how to quickly start using the SafeSky API to publish your UAVs and retrieve tra...
SafeSky for Professional Helicopter Fleets In line with our philosophy of "creating a safer sky ...
SafeSky Pro setup
SafeSky Pro is designed for seamless, efficient, and secure usage within helicopter fleets. This ...
Privacy Handling
Introduction At SafeSky, we understand and prioritise the importance of privacy in the modern di...
Gestion de la confidentialité
Introduction Chez SafeSky, la confidentialité à l'ère numérique moderne, en particulier en ce qu...
Responsibilities of the Pilot
SafeSky is a non-certified electronic conspicuity software that aggregates and shares data from a...
Responsabilités du pilote
SafeSky est un logiciel de visibilité électronique non certifié qui agrège et partage des données...
Foire aux questions
Pour répondre aux questions les plus courantes et vous aider à mieux utiliser SafeSky, nous avons...
Frequently Asked Questions
To address the most common questions and assist you in using SafeSky effectively, we have compile...
STEP 4 - Create your profile
The only mandatory field to activate SafeSky is the Nickname, while other information is optional...
Présentation de l'application SafeSky
L'idée d'utiliser son téléphone portable pour partager sa position en vol est née suite à la tr...
Presentation of the SafeSky App
The idea of using a mobile phone to share your position during flight arose from the sad real...
Introduction The "Settings" icon, located at the bottom right of the main screen, allows you t...
L'avantage pour vous ?
Que verrez-vous? SafeSky permet aux pilotes de visualiser les position...
What will you see?
Traffic information from many aircraft classes. SafeSky enables pilots...