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Utilisation des données mobiles en étant connecté à un réseau WiFi (iOS/Android)

SafeSky - Manuel de l'utilisateur 5. Support technique et FAQ

Lorsque vous tentez de connecter un appareil externe tel que SkyEcho2, Stratux ou PowerFLARM à vo...

Updated 1 year ago by Ingrid

Using Mobile Internet/Data While Connected To A WiFi Network (IOS/Android)

SafeSky - Pilot Playbook 5. Technical support and FAQs

When attempting to connect an external device like a SkyEcho2, a Stratux, or a PowerFLARM to your...

Updated 1 year ago by Ingrid

Android battery management

SafeSky - Pilot Playbook 5. Technical support and FAQs

The SafeSky App on Android may occasionally stop running in the background due to various paramet...

Updated 1 year ago by Ingrid

Utilisation appropriée de l'application SafeSky en vol

SafeSky - Manuel de l'utilisateur 6. Consignes de sécurité

SafeSky fonctionne sur téléphone et tablette. Cela implique bien entendu que vous devez positionn...

Updated 1 year ago by Pierre

Responsabilités du pilote

SafeSky - Manuel de l'utilisateur 6. Consignes de sécurité

En aucun cas l'application SafeSky ne se substitue aux obligations du pilote et aux règles du vol...

Updated 1 year ago by Ingrid

Responsibilities of the Pilot

SafeSky - Pilot Playbook 6. Safety instructions

In no case does the SafeSky application replace the pilot's responsibilities and visual flight ru...

Updated 1 year ago by Ingrid

Appropriate use of the SafeSky application in flight

SafeSky - Pilot Playbook 6. Safety instructions

SafeSky works on both phones and tablets. This means that you must position the screen in a...

Updated 1 year ago by Christophe

Configuration de la connectivité

SafeSky - Manuel de l'utilisateur 4. Appareils et connectivité

Pour permettre à SafeSky de collecter le trafic en vol, vous devez disposer d'une connexion inter...

Updated 1 year ago by Ingrid

Connectivity Configuration

SafeSky - Pilot Playbook 4. Devices and connectivity

You must have an in-flight mobile internet connection to enable SafeSky to collect the traffic. T...

Updated 1 year ago by Ingrid

Quick start

SafeSky - Pilot Playbook 2. Getting started with SafeSky

If you want to get started with SafeSky quickly, just follow the instructions and watch the expla...

Updated 1 year ago by Ingrid

Terms & Conditions

SafeSky - Pilot Playbook 7. Legal information

SafeSky Terms and Conditions   These Terms and Conditions (“Terms”) are the conditions that gov...

Updated 1 year ago by Christophe

Privacy Policy

SafeSky - Pilot Playbook 7. Legal information

Privacy Policy of SafeSky SRL Summary. Respecting your privacy is of utmost importance for Safe...

Updated 1 year ago by Christophe

Terms & Conditions

SafeSky - Manuel de l'utilisateur 7. Mentions légales

SafeSky Terms and Conditions   These Terms and Conditions (“Terms”) are the conditions that gov...

Updated 1 year ago by Pierre

Privacy Policy

SafeSky - Manuel de l'utilisateur 7. Mentions légales

Privacy Policy of SafeSky SRL Summary. Respecting your privacy is of utmost importance for Safe...

Updated 1 year ago by Pierre