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2 - Device enrollement


You must have a beta version of SafeSky. VersionThe version can be found at the bottom of the preferencepreferences page and should be
You need to insert a SIM card ininto the aero-tracker,tracker and get the APN informationinformation, along with the username and optionaly the username and password (dependentoptional, depending on your network provider,provider it— these fields can be left empty).

Bluetooth and WifiWi-Fi

The current version can only operate using either bluetoothBluetooth or Wifi.Wi-Fi. The final version will support both.both simultaneously.


  • Configuration configurationMode: mode, you need to turnTurn on bluethooth.Bluetooth Whenduring usingsetup.
  • GDL90 Output: Activate Wi-Fi when connecting to your favoritefavourite navigation software, you
    • Exception: toSkyDemon turnsupports on Wifi, expect for SkyDemon which support NMEA over bluetoothBluetooth (see example below)


To switch between BlueToothBluetooth and Wifi,Wi-Fi, youquickly need to click rapidely twice onpress the power button.button twice.

ParingPairing devicethe Aero-Tracker

Before using the aero-tracker, you must pair it with your SafeSky account.


  1. Ensure that there is at least one aircraft configured in the SafeSky App.

  2. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the pairing.

SIM cardCard configurationConfiguration


  1. In the SafeSky App, go to "My devices",Devices" and click "Configure".
  2. You can enter
  3. Enter the APN (mandatory) andand, optionallyif needed, the username and password.

  4. Make

  5. After sureentering the details, click "Restart" to "Restart"reboot the tracker


Status informationInformation

  • When returningyou return to "My devices"Devices", you should see some diagnostic information, includingincluding:
    • LTE connectivity,connectivity
    • your location
    • Location and altitude from the(via internet GPS.GPS Note thatensure you are outdoors for the GPS to workfunction youproperly)
    • need
    to be outside.


  • You should also see yourselfyour onaircraft SafeSky:

    displayed in SafeSky:

With these steps completed, your aero-tracker should be fully operational and integrated with SafeSky! 🚀