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Model Definition

1. UAV Model

The UAV model represents the structure and attributes of an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) as captured in the SafeSky system.

idstringYesThe unique identifier of the UAV.
latitudedoubleYesLatitude in decimal degrees.
longitudedoubleYesLongitude in decimal degrees.
altitudeintYesHeight of the UAV in meters, based on GPS altitude AMSL.
altitudeAccuracyintNoAccuracy level of the altitude coordinate in meters.
accuracyintNoAccuracy level of the latitude and longitude coordinates in meters.
callSignstringNoUAV call-sign.
groundSpeedintNoCurrent ground speed of the UAV, specified in meters per second.
courseintNoDirection of travel, specified in degrees counting clockwise relative to the true north.
statusstringNoThe current status of the UAV. Allowable values: INACTIVE, AIRBORNE, GROUNDED.
lastUpdatelongYesThe time of the event in seconds since epoch at UTC-0.
turnRatefloatNoTurn rate in degrees per second.
verticalRateintNoVertical rate in meters per second. A positive value indicates climbing, a negative value indicates descent.

2. Beacon Model

The Beacon model defines the structure of an aircraft beacon, including its attributes and behavior.

idstringYesThe unique identifier of the beacon.
latitudedoubleYesLatitude in decimal degrees.
longitudedoubleYesLongitude in decimal degrees.
altitudeintYesHeight of the beacon in meters, based on GPS altitude AMSL.
altitudeAccuracyintNoAccuracy level of the altitude coordinate in meters.
accuracyintNoAccuracy level of the latitude and longitude coordinates in meters.
callSignstringNoBeacon call-sign, available only if the pilot has a public profile.
groundSpeedintYesCurrent ground speed of the beacon, specified in meters per second.
courseintYesDirection of travel, specified in degrees counting clockwise relative to the true north.
statusstringNoThe current status of the beacon. Allowable values: INACTIVE, AIRBORNE, GROUNDED.
lastUpdatelongYesThe time of the event in seconds since epoch at UTC-0.
turnRatefloatNoTurn rate in degrees per second.
verticalRateintNoVertical rate in meters per second. A positive value indicates climbing, a negative value indicates descent.
beaconTypestringNoThe type of the beacon. Allowable values: UNKNOWN, GLIDER, PARA_GLIDER, HAND_GLIDER, HELICOPTER, UAV, etc.
transponderTypestringNoThe type of transponder broadcasting the position. Allowable values: ADS-BI, FLARM, ADS-B, etc.